Cesar Niculescu

Cesar Niculescu lives and works in Toronto, Canada. Over the past nine years, Cesar has been involved in the field of architecture as a student, volunteer and lecture attendee. As a recent graduate from the M-Arch program at the University of British Columbia, Cesar is interested in how technology and specifically, computation affects architecture.

Cesar completed a dual degree undergraduate program at the University of Toronto in Architectural Studies and Fine Art History. Alongside history and architectural theory courses, Cesar took an interest in Human Computer Interaction and GIS to complement his studies. Prior to attending UBC, Cesar completed an Architecture Certificate program at Ryerson, focusing on the technical, administrative and legal aspects of architecture. Cesar's interests lie in how computation affects architecture today and the future of how intelligent systems will affect how we define space.

2014 - April 2017
Master of Architecture
School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
University of British Columbia
2013 - 2014
Certificate in Architecture
The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education
Ryerson University
2010 - 2013
Hon. BA Architectural Studies & Fine Art History
John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Architecture, Transferred
College of Environmental Design
California Polytechnic University Pomona
2006 - 2009
High School
Beverly Hills High School
2013 - 2017
Junior Architectural Designer
Cezar Niculescu
Fulfilled Various Design/Build Needs for Single Family Residential Projects
2010 - 2016
IT Manager, UX
J.J. Downs Industrial Plastics Inc.
iPhone App Designer
9dotlabs for atlus app (acquired by Purple Forge 2013)
University of Toronto
Technical Skills
Expert Knowledge
Rhino, Grasshopper, VRay, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Experience with
Revit, Cinema4D, Houdini FX
CSS, HTML, Javascript